Saturday, October 29, 2016

Boos in the Nite (1950)

Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade:B

Review: Very entertaining cartoon.

This film may be typical of the average Famous Studio's Screen Song cartoon, but it is still very entertaining. While few of the jokes are laugh out loud hilarious, all of them are quite amusing. On top of that they are carried out with a great sense of comic energy. The whole film just has a great sense of energy. The animation, while far from Disney level is quite good as well.

Importantly though the sing along portion really comes to life, if you are able to see this in a theater, the way I was fortunate enough to. When watching with an audience all singing along, this cartoon, becomes much more entertaining then it does watching it by yourself. This is just so much fun, and you can see why these cartoons were so popular.

Overall this is an entertaining if by the numbers toon, that is a joy to watch with an audience.

-Michael J. Ruhland