Saturday, October 1, 2016

Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948)

Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade:A+

Review: One of the greatest Horror comedies ever made.

What makes this film so great is on top of the comedy, the scary parts are played pretty straight, and are extremely well done. It of course does not hurt that Bela Lugosi (the only time he played Dracula after the 1931 classic) and Lon Chaney Jr. reprise their roles as Dracula and the wolf man. These scenes are so well done from the acting to the lighting and Charles Van Enger's cinematography. Not to give anything away but one scene involving Dracula (Bela Lugosi) and Sandra (Lenore Auebert) is particularly amazing. Heck even without the comedy the film would still be great, of course it is made even better with the comedy. This is because it never spoofs horror movies but just adds comedy to it.

This film also features Abbott and Costello at their funniest. Horror comedies were almost always some of Abbott and Costello's best work, and here they got to work with Charles Barton, one of the duo's best directors. Lou Costello's scared reactions are very funny, and rather than just being the straight man Bud Abbott is given some funny material here and shines at doing it. This is easily some of the funniest material the team has ever done.

Overall this film is a great movie and even those who don't usaully like Abbott and Costello may still like this movie. A must see.

-Michael J. Ruhland

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